Tag Archives: holiday horror


Once again, February is upon us. And once again, I’ve created a batch of spooky valentines to share with your friends, loved ones, and heck, maybe even a few people you secretly despise.

There are a robust 16 new designs in this year’s collection. And I tried something new this year: I attempted to make them look as though they were all part of the same “pack”, if you will. With my prior batches, the general design was the same, but the colors and layouts were all over the place—chock-full of bright colors and wild backgrounds, intended to cause as much eyeball stimulation as possible.

With this batch, however, I simplified the layout and the color scheme in order to create a more cohesive final product. I think it worked!

Also: using a suggestion offered by the always thoughtful and entertaining George Kramer, I included all of the designs on two 8.5″x11″ sheets. That way, if you want to print them all out, you don’t have to print out each individual card. Major time-saver. Thanks, George, you genius you!

Hope you enjoy this year’s batch!

Dr. Jose’s Horrific Holiday Films! (Thanksgiving Edition)

It’s Thanksgiving time again, and Dr. Jose has compiled the perfect list of must-watch horror films on this fowl holiday, to be enjoyed by you, and only the most demented of your relatives.

So make a plate of seconds, dim the lights, and give thanks that you’re not being chased by a chainsaw-wielding maniac!